Designed & produced by Nick & Helen Stubbs (c) 2000

Guided Tour  page 3
Aldbrough Street Map
Aldbrough School

There has been some form of school in the village since 1663, this present school was erected in 1862 by the Towry Trust, and subsequently rebuilt in 1926 due to lack of room, the school has again recently been extended.

Turn left just past the school into NOTTINGHAM ROAD, site of the Y.M.C.A hut during the 1st world war.


  Photo by Nick Stubbs

At the end of Nottingham Road, and in front of you is by far the oldest building in the village - St. Bartholomew’s church, and this is the highest point of all, sited on a mound 70 feet above sea level. The Lychgate, which is a war memorial was dedicated in 1952. There are three bells in the church. The clock chimes every hour, and the bells ring for Sunday services and weddings.


Looking down Seaside Road

ALDBROUGH CLIFF TOP Approximately one mile out of the village lies the cliff edge, a distance which has become somewhat reduced over the years due to constant battering by the North Sea, the boulder clay cliffs are being eroded at a rate of approximately 5 feet per year. Over the years many properties have been taken by the sea, the original caravan park entrance can still be seen, but is ever

closer to the edge. The caravan park continues to grow, fishing lakes and many other new features have been added, the Double Dutch public house (formerly the Royal Hotel) stands at the end of Seaside Road.


Aldbrough Church Seaside Road

Turn right in to SEASIDE ROAD Passing the chuch, in front of you stands the old school house with the unusual arched windows, opposite - on the hill to the right stands Wentworth House Hotel, built in the Georgian style during the early 1800’s. Opposite on the left is Lilac cottage. At the bottom of Seaside road is the lowest point of the village (approximately 33 feet above sea level), the site of lambwath stream and one time sand pits. On the hill to the left stands the old vicarage, now a private house with excellent views across the fields.


More Aldbrough Cliff Pictures


  Photos by Andrew Renwick